Business Automation

  • 45,331Students Enrolled
This Value Pack is designed to help Entrepreneurs and Solopreneurs to automate their businesses processes with the help of new and advanced technology. Through automation, they can organize, manage and secure their data and day-to-day processes efficiently and take their business to new heights.
Rs. 8,390

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem for most businesses. The key question that has been answered is: are you unable to expand your business due to lack of funds?

Prof. Nagar shares important information on why is expansion important for a business, what are the common challenges that a business faces and how to solve them.

Key outcomes of this video are:

  1. Learn how to grow sales without adding to cost of operations
  2. Learn how to use technology to manage business with multiple partners
  3. Learn how to get deep knowledge of customers and grow sales
  4. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem that most businesses face. Due to lack of proper data, most business owners take important business decisions only on the basis of their perception about people and what they hear from others.

The key outcomes of this video are:

  1. How to take important business decisions with data?
  2. How does ERP improve process orientation across your business?
  3. How to reduce fraud by reducing people intervention and automating processes?
  4. How to set internal audits and create transparency?
  5. and more.

Bonus strategy worksheet attached

You can download the worksheet and use it in your business.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem that is faced by businesses that have large dealership networks.

Prof. Nagar shares that any business that implements ERP across their dealership networks, it will grow exponentially in revenue and profits.

The key outcomes of this video are:

  1. Answers to the 6 hidden problems for a franchisee/ distributor led business
  2. Increased efficiency across the entire business supply chain
  3. Detailed knowledge of DNMS - Distributor Network Management Solution
  4. and more.

Bonus strategy worksheet attached

You can download the worksheet and use it in your business.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed a major burning problem that most business owners face all the time. This is the burning problem of stuck capital in the market that leads to debt, losses and in some cases it might lead to closure of businesses too if the losses mount.

Prof. Nagar shares that any business that implements ERP will always have a sharp sight of the money that they have to get from their suppliers and customers.

Key outcomes of this video are:

  1. Unlock the money stuck in the market with customers / suppliers
  2. Detailed customer profiling before offering a credit line
  3. Reduce cost of recovering money from the market
  4. and more.

Bonus strategy worksheet attached

You can download the worksheet and use it in your business.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed a major burning problem that most business owners face all the time. This is the burning problem of fixed expenses. Prof. Nagar refers to fixed expenses as the enemy of profit in a business.

Prof. Nagar shares that with implementation of ERP technology can enable any business to manage and reduce their fixed expenses.

Key outcomes of this video:

  1. Reduce wastage in rental payments
  2. Increased efficiency of warehousing operations
  3. Reduce cost of interest 
  4. Reduce salary cost and cost of marketing
  5. Reduce cost of customer support
  6. and more.

Bonus strategy worksheet attached

You can download the worksheet and use it in your business.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed a major burning problem. Most small businesses find it tough to negotiate on margins with large e-commerce companies. Also for a lot of emerging businesses undertaking all e-commerce operations themselves becomes un-viable. 

How can then SMEs and MSMEs retain customers even with the stiff competition from e-commerce businesses?

Key outcomes from this video:

  1. Attract and retain more customers
  2. Increase customer loyalty and satisfaction
  3. Implement customer profiling strategies that most successful companies use
  4. Introduce membership benefits to customers
  5. Automate referral mechanism and feedback mechanism
  6. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed a critical burning problem. How to increase employee productivity? Most business owners do not have a direct understanding of this subject and this hence remains as a responsibility for the HR department in the company.

Key outcome from the video:

  1. Increase employee productivity
  2. Increase business profitability
  3. Reduce cost of salary
  4. Track and measure output of work done
  5. Establish the mechanism to assign and track tasks across departments
  6. Increased collaboration across teams
  7. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed a critical burning problem that has direct impact on the growth of any business. How can ERP increase employee satisfaction?

If employees are not satisfied, they will never be productive. The business will never grow. Also your customers will remain dissatisfied because he will be interacting with a dissatisfied employee.

Key outcomes from this video are:

  1. Implement SMART framework to increase employee productivity
  2. Track employee dissatisfaction and overall loss of business
  3. Automatically train employees and measure their learning
  4. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed a critical burning problem that has direct impact on the growth of any business.

Key outcomes of this video:

  1. Increase inflow of customers
  2. Reduce cost of new customer acquisition
  3. Implementation of multi-channel growth approach
  4. Expansion of business with digital catalogue
  5. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem that has direct impact on the growth of any business. How can ERP help a business convert a regular customer into a loyal customer?

Key outcomes from the video:

  1. Increase custoemr loyalty
  2. Establish process to create customer segments
  3. Get deep data and insights about customers
  4. Make customers yoru advocates
  5. and more.

Bonus strategy worksheet attached

You can download the worksheet and use it in your business.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem that has direct impact on the growth of any business. How can ERP help a business owner spend only the right amount with vendors and save over-expenditure.

Key outcomes from this video:

  1. Increase margins on every product sale
  2. Increase profitability in business
  3. Reduce wastage in procurement
  4. Assess the right vendor and price
  5. Reduce delays in reaching customers
  6. Increase hold on overall supply chain
  7. and more.

Bonus strategy worksheet attached

You can download the worksheet and use it in your business.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem that has direct impact on the growth of any business. The problem in focus is : are you able to sell the right product, to the right customer and at the right price?

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. Increase achievement of targeted revenue
  2. Increase margins and offer competitive pricing
  3. Convert a normal sale to a perfect sale
  4. Reduce losses with every sale
  5. Increase profitability by integrating POS with ERP
  6. Know the right customer
  7. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem that has direct impact on the growth of all the businesses that manage product inventory.

The problem in focus is – how to solve the challenge of blocked inventory?

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. Reduce losses due to inventory blockage
  2. Reduce inventory losses with 7 fundamentals of inventory management
  3. Automate stock positioning, minimum stock level and re-order points in your supply chain
  4. Reduced people dependency, increased process dependency
  5. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem that almost every business owner wants to know about and get a solution for. In this video Prof. Nagar shares how business owners can become managers and controllers of their business rather than being involved in daily operations.

Key outcomes of this video:

  1. Efficiently run your business without being invoilved in operations daily
  2. Unlock your time and grow your business with innovation and more customers
  3. The key ERP modules to manage your business without your intervention
  4. Increased relationships with suppliers
  5. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem that almost every business owner wants to address. How to save transportation and logistics cost?

Key outcomes of this video:

  1. Reduce losses in transportation and logistics
  2. Increase inventory turnover
  3. Effectively monitor transportation and related processes
  4. Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to increase efficiency in logistics and transportation
  5. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem for businesses that are into manufacturing. This video addresses the following question for manufacturing entrepreneurs: are you making the best use and leverage of your plant and machinery?

Key outcomes from the video:

  1. Increase efficiency of plant and machinery
  2. Reduce losses in maintenance
  3. Increase utilisation of space
  4. Increase employee productivity associated with machines
  5. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem that is important for every business. If you have an office or multiple business offices, this video will be of very high importance for you.

The burning problem being solved is: how to save money on office maintenance?

The key outcomes of the video are:

  1. Reduce office maintenance expenses
  2. Increase asset performance
  3. Reduce loss due to mis-management of assets
  4. and more.

Bonus strategy worksheet attached

You can download the worksheet and use it in your business.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem that almost every business owner wants to solve. The problem is: how to increase the lead to sales or lead conversion ratio in the business? In simpler terms it means: how to ensure that every prospective customer becomes a paying customer faster.

This video gives 6 key learnings and 10 key tips to grow lead conversion ration in your business.

Key outcomes of this video are:

  1. Increased lead generation to conversion in your business
  2. Increased MQL to SQL (markting qualified lead to sales qualified lead)
  3. Increased communication with your customer
  4. Increased trust of the customer in your business
  5. More data about the customer in your company
  6. and more.

In this article, Bada Business Professor Mr. Piyush Nagar, has shared important tips that can reduce the time and cost of manpower in your business by implementing one-stop solution i.e. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

Key outcomes from this video are:

ERP will transform your business by bringing efficiency in the following critical departments of your business:

  1. Manufacturing
  2. Accounting


In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem. Prof. Nagar shares the solution on how to find the right vendor to implement an ERP in your business.

Key outcomes of this video are:

  1. You save money and time by implementing the right ERP
  2. You save money by knowing the cost of the exact ERP solution that is right for your business
  3. You are empowered to hire the right ERP consultant for your business
  4. You are empowered to document business processes
  5. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem. Every business owner wants to grow his business. Prof. Nagar shares the advantages that ERP creates for SMBs.

Key outcomes of this video are:

  1. How ERP leads to growth in sales
  2. How ERP leads to business growth without the presence of the owner
  3. How ERP improves control of processes and reduction in operational cost
  4. How ERP leads to streamlined data flow
  5. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem that is valid for businesses that run in the franchise mode or business owners that run different businesses of various kinds. In such cases business owners find it difficult to manage multiple businesses spread across multiple locations.

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. Reduce operational across various businesses
  2. Manage different businesses of different kinds efficiently
  3. Manage different businesses of same kind efficiently
  4. Track and manage employee productivity across several businesses
  5. Track business growth everyday and forecast growth
  6. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has addressed an important burning problem that is valid for businesses that run in the franchise mode. Many franchise owners find it difficult to manage multiple franchise stores simply because they do not use technology.

Prof. Nagar says if you implement ERP in your franchisee network, your franchisee business will grow fast.

Key outcomes of this video are:

  1. Increased tracking of franchise operations and control on brand ownership
  2. Increased tracking on sales targets vs. achievement
  3. Increased control of stock, inventory and distribution
  4. Stopping misuse of brand, brand dilution, hiding of sale
  5. Catching fake raw material early in the lifecycle and many more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Piyush Nagar discusses about human resource and how to reduce the cost of human resource using ERP. This is an important burning problem for every business owner. For SMEs and MSMEs especially this problem grows exponentially because as their business grows, they have to undergo several structural changes.

Key outcomes of this video are:

  1. Improved profitability by improving HR practices
  2. Increased employee retention
  3. Improved internal efficiency
  4. Improved customer experience
  5. Improved customer retention
  6. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Piyush Nagar discusses two important topics – inventory management and distribution. Both these are burning problems for several businesses.

Key outcomes of this video are:

  1. Improved inventory management
  2. Improved distribution
  3. Reduced cost of distribution
  4. and more.

In this video, Bada Business professor, Piyush Nagar, shares insight on a subject that is the backbone of an ERP solution. This is a subject that is important for every business and every business owner too.

Key outcomes of this video are:

  1. Increased sales target achievement with tracking via ERP
  2. Achieve high accuracy while making business purchases
  3. Streamline procurement and reduce cost of time and money
  4. Increased customer satisfaction with real time reports
  5. Integration of inventory and production with purchase
  6. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Piyush Nagar has solved a problem that many business owners will have after watching this Bada Business problem solving course. The problem is: how to make the choice of the right ERP for your business?

Key outcomes of this video are:

  1. Choosing the right ERP for your business
  2. Reducing cost of ERP implementation

Bonus strategy sheet with this video:

  1. Download the pdf file


In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business gives the introduction of this course about Customer Relationship Management.

Key Outcomes:

  • Implement customer relationship management in your business
  • Choose the right vendor for your CRM

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains why digital transformation is important & how to implement it for your business.

Key Outcomes:

  • Implement digital transformation in your business
  • Set your goals for the digital transformation of your business  

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains about 8 building blocks of CRM software.

Key Outcomes:

  • Maintain database for successful implementation of CRM in your company
  • Implement 24*7 automation in your processes

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains how to use CRM for your business.

Key Outcomes:

  • Implement CRM to get data insights for prioritising strategies
  • Use CRM to aggressively follow your customers

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Bada Business Professor, explains the difference between CRM & ERP.

Key Outcomes:

  • Do mapping & documenting of your business processes
  • Implement ERP & CRM in your business to achieve strategic insights

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains the difference in CRM & ERP through discussing 12 important features of ERP.

Key Outcomes:

  • Map & document all business processes
  • Collect customer-related data of your business

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains how to make funnels & automated triggers.

Key Outcomes:

  • Create  a simple sales funnel for your business
  • Try to maximize your sales revenue through funneling

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business explains about creating successful funnels & triggers. 

Key Outcomes:

  • Create effective sales, marketing & service funnels for your business
  • Send sharp marketing message as per your customer requirement

In this video, Mr. Hardik, Professor Bada Business, shares a checklist that guarantees that you do not commit any mistake while implementing CRM. 

Key Outcomes:

  • Document your business processes
  • Implement CRM assessment checklist while dealing with vendors

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains the customer segmentation and its types.

Key Outcomes:

  • Segment your customers to provide them the right service at the right price
  • Implement the AARRRC Framework to segment the customers successfully
  • Identify the type of customer segmentation according to your business

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains how to implement customer segmentation in your business.

Key Outcomes:

  • Make customer segmentation as an important project of your company
  • Do customer data analysis for successful implementation of CRM in your company
  • Ensure analysis and prioritisation of data
  • Make use of reliable sources for data collection
  • Use feedback while implementing CRM in your company

In this video, Mr. Hardik, Professor Bada Business, shares methods to increase sales by the implementation of CRM.

Key Outcomes:

  • Make sales methods to increase sales of your business
  • Maintain a system to remain in constant touch of customers
  • Integration and automate   sales leads through CRM
  • Analyse data to set targets of your sales reps

In this video, Mr. Hardik, Professor Bada Business, explains the difference between CRM and marketing automation software.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use CRM to understand your customer in a better way
  • Utilise marketing automation software to automate your marketing activities
  • Apply both CRM and marketing automation software to grow your business
  • Use signals to implement marketing automation software in your business

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains the fundamentals of providing world class customer service.

Key Outcomes:

  • Make a perfect omnichannel strategy to be always with your customers
  • Implement seamless onboarding tactics to retain customers
  • Make the customer satisfaction strategy plan in your business
  • Collaborate with a CRM vendor to provide world-class customer service experience

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains how to improve inter-team collaboration with the help of CRM.

Key Outcomes:

  • Make work plan of team aligned with organisational goals
  • Frame team budgets to match inter-team collaboration
  • Remove obstacles in information flow by CRM implementation
  • Make standard operating procedure that works hierarchy wise

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains the difference between the social CRM and traditional CRM.

Key Outcomes:

  • Make proper use of social media platforms to grow your business
  • Implement social CRM to have a 360-degree view of your customer
  • Provide social customer service to customers by using social CRM
  • Reply mentions on social media to retain and maintain a loyal customer

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains how CRM implementation helps the e-commerce companies.

Key Outcomes:

  • Implement CRM for e-commerce business to improve customer experience
  • Use CRM implementation in e-commerce for inventory planning and forecasting
  • Make the right CRM implementation to minimise losses and costs

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains how you can select the right vendor for CRM implementation.

Key Outcomes:

  • Identify the right vendor to implement CRM
  • Judge your CRM vendor based on the vendor selection checklist shared in the video

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, shares the comparison of the top 5 CRM softwares.

Key Outcomes:

  • Choose the right CRM for your business
  • Implement the 13 focus areas for choosing a CRM
  • Learn the focus areas of different CRM softwares

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains the 25 reasons for the failure of CRM implementation.

Key Outcomes:

  • Learn 25 reasons for failure of proper CRM implementation
  • Use phase-wise strategy for introducing CRM implementation
  • Acknowledge customers as the centre of your business
  • Inspire employees and executives to use CRM by understanding its benefits to them

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, share the 10 steps of CRM implementation.

Key Outcomes:

  • Learn the 10 steps for better implementation of CRM in your business
  • Understand the importance of feeding correct data in CRM
  • Motivate employees to use CRM to achieve 100% implementation

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains how to measure the performance of CRM implementation.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use metrics to measure the performance of CRM
  • Measure both internal and external parameters of business after implementing CRM

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, explains how to ensure that all employees adopt the CRM Software and use it willingly.

Key Outcomes:

  • Implement successful adoption of CRM training
  • Motivate employees to use CRM
  • Learn importance of testing CRM before going live

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, shares a case study of a logistics company that has increased their customer retention by implementing CRM.

Key Outcomes:

  • Learn from a practical example of CRM implementation
  • Master the skill of customer retention through CRM
  • Increase customer base through CRM
  • Increase customer satisfaction through CRM

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, shares a case study of a jewellery showroom that has increased their sales productivity by implementing CRM.

Key Outcomes:

  • Increase sales productivity in a retail business
  • Keep track of all customer details
  • Increase efficiency of your sales team
  • Make more profitable sales and grow your business

In this video, Mr. Paritosh Sharma, Professor Bada Business, summarises the CRM course.

Key Outcomes:

  • Refresh your knowledge on the importance of CRM
  • Do a quick review on all the aspects of CRM
  • Select the right vendor and implement CRM in your business

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Professor, Bada Business, introduces the course “Business Automation”.

Key Outcomes:

  • Learn new technologies for your business
  • Implement tools and technologies mentioned in the course to automate your business


In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains the 5 steps in using technology for your business growth.

Key Outcomes:

  • Follow 5 steps of technology for your business growth
  • Do marketing and sales automation to attract new customers and retain old customers

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to automate your business.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use technology to make your business production much more efficient
  • Come up with some bright ideas and execute them with the help of technology
  • Change your thinking and your results will automatically change
  • Automate your business to get more work done with less manpower

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to organise yourself.

Key Outcomes:

  • Recognise your power of commitment to achieve the things you want
  • Make a list of tasks you need to do so that you do not forget any important work

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to use Google Calendar.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use Google Calendar to make your business meetings schedule
  • Customise your meetings as per your convenience through Google Calendar

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains the meeting rhythms and its importance in business.

Key Outcomes:

  • Set a system of meeting to ensure that all the work of your business is completed on time
  • Discuss the feedback from employees and customers in your meetings to create more value for them

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to use Google Keep app to organise your daily tasks.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use Google Keep app to organise your daily tasks
  • Reduce redundant communication between your team using Google Keep
  • Delegate tasks through Google Keep

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains the tools that can make your work easy.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use Microsoft SMS Organiser to segregate your messages
  • Create a backup of your messages to avoid losing them
  • Use the Google translator to remove language barriers
  • Communicate in any language using the Google translator

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to use Google Assistant.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use applications such as Google Assistant and Google translate iOS to make your life easier
  • Use Gboard for improving your typing speed

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to organise your company data.

Key Outcomes:

  • Enable two-step verification to create added security for your accounts
  • Create a strong password to protect your data
  • Use Google workspace as it is the most flexible and has the maximum features
  • Automate every process with the help of iCloud or Google Drive

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to do 2-step verification of your e-mail account.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use 2-step verification to secure your Gmail, Yahoo, Facebook, and Instagram account
  • Follow all the instructions properly to implement 2-step verification in your accounts

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to implement a document management system.

Key Outcomes:

  • Create and start using the online document management system
  • Organise all the data of your company with the help of a free  document management system

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains the ways to organise a business.

Key Outcomes:

  • Have a process-driven approach in your business for scalability
  • Document your process to run your business smoothly
  • Consult an expert for improvement in your business
  • Automate your process to maintain consistency and reliability

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to map your business.

Key Outcomes:

  • Standardise a business process with the help of a flowchart
  • Use only internationally recognised symbols to make a flowchart
  • Do not invent your symbol while making a flowchart

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to make a flowchart using Google Drawings tool.

Key Outcomes:

  • Access and use the free Google Drawing tool to make flowcharts
  • Design different types of flowcharts for sales and marketing and other processes

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains why automation is important for your business.

Key Outcomes:

  • Implement automation in your business processes to save time & effort
  • Generate MIS & dashboards through automation

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to automate the different aspects of the business.

Key Outcomes:

  • Make Google Form to automate the small processes of your business
  • Store all the details of processes in the Google Sheet to check it in future

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to automate task delegation.

Key Outcomes:

  • Automate the task delegation to ease the process of getting the work done
  • Implement automation in inventory to manage stock properly
  • Plan dispatching with the help of automation

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to automate finance/payment in your business.

Key Outcomes:

  • Do consistent follow-up on payments
  • Implement automation in your business to get the payment easily from customers
  • Use automation for invoicing purposes
  • Visit “” to get automation related to your industry

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to create a digital dashboard.

Key Outcomes:

  • Create a company dashboard by using free tools
  • Use the software from Google sites as it is easy to use
  • Check if any enquiries have been made in the CRM and other dashboard sections

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to set up marketing automation for your business.

Key Outcomes:

  • Keep sending messages to all your customers through marketing automation
  • Convert an enquiry into order by giving special offers and personalised services
  • Call the customers once in a while to ask them if they are facing any problem with the product
  • Build trust with your customers and tell your customers about your track record

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Professor, Bada Business, summarises the course “Business Automation”.

Key Outcomes:

  • Watch the videos to learn practically the use of business automation tools
  • Use business automation to store, organise, and protect the data

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains the cyberattacks.

Key Outcomes:

  • Safeguard yourself from cyberattacks
  • Do not leave any of your device unprotected to avoid cyberattacks

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, introduces the course ‘Cyber Security.’

Key Outcomes:

  • Protect business data from cyber-attacks 
  • Maintain data backup to handle the system crash or data loss situation
  • Use technology to maintain cyber security

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains the different types of cyberattacks.

Key Outcomes:

  • Avoid downloading free software from unknown sources
  • Use strong passwords
  • Install strong antivirus software on your computer
  • Update your software

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains the steps to be cyber secure.

Key Outcomes:

  • Protect your digital identity to save yourself from financial loss
  • Protect business data from hackers
  • Focus on data protection to save it from being theft

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to protect your identity.

Key Outcomes:

  • Keep your passwords lengthy and complex
  • Implement two-step verification to safeguard your accounts
  • Use password managers to save and remember your password
  • Do not keep the same password for every account

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains the 2-step verification and other settings to protect your email accounts.

Key Outcomes:

  • Enable 2-step verification in all your email accounts
  • Set up recovery mail to secure your email account

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to protect yourself from phishing.

Key Outcomes:

  • Analyse the e-mails received to you to protect yourself against phishing attacks
  • Focus on errors and grammatical mistakes to identify e-mails coming from fake IDs
  • Ensure that you are doing a financial transaction from a website having HTTPS in its URL instead of HTTP
  • Do not get trapped in unrealistic offers and discounts

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to get protection against identity theft.

Key Outcomes:

  • Install security software to improve computer/mobile safety
  • Keep updating your computer/phone to patch the security loopholes
  • Report phishing emails or phone scams immediately
  • Always use HTTPS enabled website to enter your personal information
  • Keep track of your bank and credit card statements regularly

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to protect your devices from viruses, malware, or ransomware.

Key Outcomes:

  • Create a backup of your data
  • Never open unknown attachments on your email or WhatsApp
  • Update all your software
  • Upload data to Google Drive
  • Have the right security software

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to protect the data.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use Google workplace to secure your data
  • Save the primary data through Cloud Backup and Offline Back-up
  • Always create a backup to secure data
  • Move the data to the Cloud for collaboration

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains the different tools of data protection.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use Google workplace to secure your data
  • Save the primary data through Cloud Backup and Offline Back-up
  • Always create a backup to secure data
  • Move the data to the Cloud for collaboration

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to protect your digital transactions.

Key Outcomes:

  • Protect financial transactions by using private/incognito mode
  • Secure private data by creating a new Gmail account in incognito mode
  • Use private/incognito mode to log in multiple accounts
  • Login through private/incognito mode while using others’ system or network

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to protect your digital transactions.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use VPN to hide huge transactions from hackers
  • Visit restricted websites using VPN

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to use confidentiality mode in Gmail to prevent misuse of your emails.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use confidentiality mode to prevent misuse of your emails
  • Set an expiry of the emails in confidentiality mode, if you want

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to protect your office network.

Key Outcomes:

  • Always use a Firewall to save your office data
  • Take firewall subscription for maximum time
  • Use firewall if you are using more than 5-6 computers in your office
  • Use VPN to create a secured communication tunnel

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, summarises the course ‘Cyber Security.’

Key Outcomes:

  • Identify different types of cyber attacks
  • Protect your office networks with the help of Firewall
  • Protect your data by storing it in Google Drive
  • Protect your digital identity through LastPass, two-factor authentication, and phishing

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, introduces the course “Automated payment collection system.”

Key Outcomes:

  • Use automated payment collection system for timely collection of payments
  • Follow up with customers on a regular basis to collect payments

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains the important points of the payment process.

Key Outcomes:

  • Make a proper mechanism for the payment process
  • Follow important practices of the payment process before setting up the automated payment system
  • Generate invoices as soon as the goods get dispatched

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains the need for automation for payment collection.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use automation for the payment collection process
  • Use WhatsApp to send payment reminders
  • Use written reminder for payment collection

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains the automation in payment collection.

Key Outcomes:

  • Create an excel sheet about debtors data to send email to them
  • Do not use website for opening WhatsApp on some other computer

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to set up the Google Sheet for payment collection system.

Key Outcomes:

  • Set up a Google Sheet for the payment collection system of your business
  • Use either a free or paid Gmail account to create Google Sheet for payment collection system
  • Access the  payment collection system Google Sheet from the Gmail account

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to set up a WhatsApp gateway for automated payment.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use WhatsApp to send payment reminders effectively
  • Get an API payment gateway from

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to test the WhatsApp API payment gateway and connect it to a mobile phone.

Key Outcomes:

  • Connect API payment gateway to your WhatsApp for sending automated reminders  
  • Test the payment gateway by sending a test message
  • Use the report to know the details about the messages sent

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains the payment reminder Google Sheet.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use payment reminder Google Sheet to send payment reminders automatically
  • Frame the payment reminder message in template tab of Google Sheet to send payment reminders 
  • Use Google Sheet to get automatic updates of the payment reminders sent

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains the payment reminder message template and its important settings.

Key Outcomes:

  • Write a payment reminder message in the template sheet
  • Use paid GSuite account to send emails in a large number
  • Enter your phone number in the template sheet to test

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to send payment reminders manually.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use the “CEOITBX” button in the Google Sheet to send reminders
  • Send reminders messages through email & WhatsApp

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to set up a schedule for payment reminders.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use triggers to automate your payment reminder setup
  • Delete the automated reminders if payments have already been received 
  • Check the status page to know whether messages are going as per schedule or not

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to run the payment reminder system smoothly.

Key Outcomes:

  • Copy and paste the data from Tally and Busy in Google sheet
  • Send 1-2 payment reminders per week to your customers
  • Use paid GSuite account to send emails to more than 100 people

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, summarises the course “Automated payment collection system.”

Key Outcomes:

  • Set up an automated payment collection system for receiving due payments
  • Set up Google Sheets to track the record of late payments

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, introduces the course “Inventory Management System.”

Key Outcomes:

  • Make an inventory management system to manage your business inventory
  • Use an open-source software like Google Sheets to create your inventory management system
  • Check the status of your inventory anytime and anywhere using inventory management system

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to set up Google Sheet for IMS.

Key Outcomes:

  • Create a Google Sheet of the inventory management system
  • Use your Gmail account to get a copy of Google Sheet for IMS
  • Check product master to view the summary of all items in the inventory

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to locate the IMS sheet.

Key Outcomes:

  • Open your Gmail account to access the Google Drive
  • Access your Google Drive to locate the IMS sheet
  • Locate the IMS sheet directly by typing its name in the search bar of your browser

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to share the IMS sheet with employees.

Key Outcomes:

  • Share IMS sheet with others to allow multiple people work on the sheet simultaneously
  • Provide appropriate permission to the people with whom you share the IMS sheet

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to create product master & other masters in IMS Sheet.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use the product master for a summarised detail of your stock
  • Make changes in the Masters tab to add or delete options in the drop-down
  • Make a single entry of every item of your stock to have an error-free report

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to do entries in the daily ledger.

Key Outcomes:

  • Keep record of all the items in stock ledger
  • Use stock ledger to record all the transactions of items in your stock
  • Enter the sent and received items in the status column to get the right stock status at any point of time

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to do entries in the daily ledger.

Key Outcomes:

  • Do entries in the stock ledger on daily basis to keep it updated 
  • Get an updated summary of stock in product master by doing the right entries in the stock ledger
  • Avoid incomplete transactions or wrong entries for a correct report

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to do dispatch planning.

Key Outcomes:

  • Plan transport of the same route to save transportation cost using dispatch plan
  • Use dispatch plan to check clients of same area or route
  • Manage transportation with the help of dispatch plan

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to make dispatch challans.

Key Outcomes:

  • Create a dispatch challan just by entering the challan number
  • Modify the details in the challan format as per your business details
  • Print or email the challan copy to share it with other parties

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains the dashboard in an inventory management system.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use dashboard to check the status of inventory
  • Check the dashboard for any duplicate entry done and correct it
  • Take a snapshot of the inventory management system through the dashboard

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to create filter for reports from the inventory ledger.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use the filter to view specific data in the stock ledger or product master
  • Apply filter to specific column to get the desired information
  • Remove the filter to view the complete data of the sheet

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to apply custom filters for getting reports from the inventory ledger.

Key Outcomes:

  • Create filter view to not disturb the view of other users
  • Save the filter view to have an instant view of filtered data
  • Apply multiple filters to view the desired data

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to customise the IMS sheet and important points related to it.

Key Outcomes:

  • Customise IMS sheet as per your requirements and convenience 
  • Add more rows to the product master or stock ledger sheet to enter the data
  • Add or delete charts in the report to prepare a fine report of your business

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to protect the IMS sheet from unwanted changes.

Key Outcomes:

  • Protect all the IMS sheets from any type of unwanted changes
  • Protect structure and format of IMS sheet to have well-managed data
  • Provide edit rights of IMS sheet to only users whom you want to work on this sheet

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, explains how to use backup and restore option in IMS sheet.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use version history to create the backup of IMS Sheet
  • Restore the deleted data with the help of version history
  • Compare month-wise report with the help of version history

In this video, Mr. Sanjeev Jain, Bada Business Professor, summarise the course “Inventory Management System.”

Key Outcomes:

  • Create inventory management system template in Google Sheet
  • Use Google Sheet to create product master
  • Use Google Sheet to keep backup and store data
Grow Your Business With Bada Business For A Better Learning Experience And Outcome, Every Course Has A Combination Of Graphics, Videos, Animation, Reading Material & Assesments

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