Business Finance & Fundraising

  • 45,314Students Enrolled
This Value Pack is designed for beginners as well as professionals who want to ace financial concepts in business. The courses teach Financial Fundamentals, Cash Flow & Debt Management, How to get Funds and the art of Budgeting for effective financial management.
Rs. 8,390

In this video Bada Business Prof. Sanjay Kathuria and Bada Business Prof. Vishal Thakkar introduce the course on working capital for business.

After you complete this video, you will achieve the following valuable outcomes:

  1. What is working capital management?
  2. How does working capital management impact business?
  3. How to manage daily payments in a business?

In this video Bada Business Prof. Sanjay Kathuria and Bada Business Prof. Vishal Thakkar share important information on the following:

  1. What is working capital?
  2. What is the importance of working capital for your business?
  3. What is the equation of working capital for your business?
  4. What are the components of working capital for your business?

In this video Bada Business Prof. Sanjay Kathuria shares the solution to a major burning business problem. This is a problem that most business owners face in the day to day running of business operations.

The burning problem is : How can a business owner ensure that the business will always have consistent cash flow?

You will achieve the following outcomes after watching this video:

  1. How to manage cash flow in your business?
  2. Why is money circulation important and how to increase rotation of cash to be profitable?
  3. What are the general leakages that happen while managing cash flow and how to plug them?
  4. How to forecast expenses and cash flow
  5. A key strategy to reduce business expenses

In this video Bada Business Prof. Sanjay Kathuria and Bada Business Prof. Vishal Thakkar share important information on the following:

  1. How to manage working capital in a seasonal business such that you can increase profit maximisation in your business?
  2. How to manage credit in off-season such that it does not impact your business negatively?

In this video Bada Business Prof. Sanjay Kathuria and Bada Business Prof. Vishal Thakkar share important information on the following:

  1. What risk is a business owner taking?
  2. What is the cost of that risk?
  3. How to assess this risk by reading your balance sheet?
  4. What impact does the risk have on your business?

In this video Bada Business Prof. Sanjay Kathuria and Bada Business Prof. Vishal Thakkar share important information on the following:

  1. How to ensure that your business does not go bankrupt?
  2. How to ensure that your assets fund your liabilities with proper asset liability management?

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Sanjay Kathuria is addressing a key burning problem that impacts several businesses.

After you watch the video, you will achieve the following outcomes for your business:

  1. Increase profitability by managing inventory
  2. More cash in the business by managing inventory
  3. Understanding of the critical ratios that impact your business
  4. Strategies to maximise inventory turnover ratio

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Sanjay Kathuria is addressing a key burning problem that impacts several businesses.

After you watch the video, you will achieve the following outcomes for your business:

  1. 4 key strategies of managing inventory
  2. 10 key steps to manage inventory
  3. strategies to increase the inventory turnover ratio for your business

In this video Bada Business Prof. Sanjay Kathuria shares critical information about how businesses harm themselves because of poorly designed credit policies.

The key points discussed by Prof. Kathuria are:

  1. How not to run your business on credit?
  2. How to set proper credit policies?
  3. What is the real cost of credit for a business?
  4. The 5 C's to save the business from accoutns receivable turnover?
  5. What is credit control and how to implement it in your business?

In this video Bada Business Prof. Sanjay Kathuria shares the solution to a critical burning problem that most small and medium businesses face. This is of managing supplier relationships.

Prof. Kathuria says that if a business manages its supplier relationships well and creates solid reputation in the market, then its suppliers become its financiers. The business is able to gain more working capital at no cost.

In this video Bada Business Professor Sanjay Kathuria addresses a critical burning problem that impacts most businesses. This is the problem of cash management.

After you complete the video, the outcomes that you will achieve are:

  1. Knowledge of critical ratios for cash management
  2. 4 key principles of cash management
  3. The 7 steps if your business is in a cash crunch

In this video Bada Business Prof. Sanjay Kathuria has summarised all learnings of the course on working capital:

  1. What is working capital?
  2. What are the various components of working capital?
  3. How to manage the asset and liability side of our balance sheet?
  4. How to plan inventory and manage relationships with suppliers and creditors?
  5. How large companies manage their ratios?
  6. What is the difference between a large company and a mid-size company?
  7. How large companies manage their working capital?

In this video, Bada Business Professor Sanjay Kathuria introduces the problem solving courses and sets context for the course on Finance for Non-finance. He also introduces Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar.

This course is made for entrepreneurs, students, women entrepreneurs and absolutely everybody that wants to know about finance but has no idea about finance. Both these professors have solved key burning problems for absolutely every

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. Learn the important financial terms
  2. Learn the important financial ratios and how they impact your business
  3. Learn how to take critical operating decisions with data
  4. Learn how to make profit & loss account
  5. Learn how to make balance sheet for your business
  6. Understand what is long term liability and short term liability
  7. Understand how can you run your business with the exhaustive business dashboard
  8. Understand how can you save your business from insolvency
  9. And more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Sanjay Kathuria solves an important burning problem for business owners. The problem is: how to understand important financial statements in business?

He stresses on the fact that this is critical for every entrepreneur to understand because it tells you whether your business is going in the right direction or not?

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. Assess if your business is going in the right direction or not?
  2. Learn about the various financial statements in business?
  3. Save your business cash from getting stuck in wrong assets
  4. And more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Sanjay Kathuria shares important insights on what are financial statements and what are its components, what are its uses, what are the various methods used in creating financial statements?

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. Learn what is profit and loss account?
  2. Learn how to make a profit and loss account?
  3. Check the profit and loss account of your business.
  4. And more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Sanjay Kathuria shares his insights on the line items that make a profit and loss account statement. This video is part 2 of the series of 2 videos on P&L statements. Prof. Kathuria starts this video as the extension of video #1 on P&L statements.

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. Learn how to calculate profit after tax (PAT) from EBITDA (earnings before interest, depreciation, tax and amortization)?
  2. What are the line items of the profit and loss account statement?
  3. How understanding of these line items impact your business?
  4. Learn how to check the important line items in your P&L (profit and losss) statement
  5. What are cost of goods sold (COGS)?
  6. Learn how depreciation and amortization can be beneficial for the business?
  7. And more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Sanjay Kathuria and Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar share their insights on balance sheet. Why is a balance sheet an important financial statement for your business and how can you assess if your business is going in the right direction with a balance sheet?

Key outcomes of the video:

  • Learn what is a balance sheet?
  • Understand how a balance sheet shows whether your business is going in the right diretion or not?
  • Understand the 4 key compenents of the balance sheet


In this video, Bada Business Prof. Vishal Thakkar shares important information on what is short term liability and why is it important for your business? He will also share a massive action plan that you can implement in your business.

This video especially focuses on the burning problem: how an entrepreneur can ensure that the business has enough cash in the bank to pay salaries?

Key outcomes of the video:

  • Learn how to manage short term liabilities?
  • Learn about the 2 key short term sources of funds for your business
  • Learn how to fund short term liabilities?
  • and more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar solves an important burning problem for business owners. The problem is: if the business has surplus cash, how should the business owner make investing decisions?

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. Learn how to invest surplus cash?
  2. Save your business from wrong investing decisions
  3. Save your business cash from getting stuck in wrong assets
  4. And more..

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Vishal Thakkar shares important information on what are current assets or short term assets? This is the fourth video in the series in which you have already learnt about long term liabilities, short term liabilities and long term assets.

Key outcomes of the video are:

  • Learn what are current assets or short term assets?
  • Learn how to manage inventory, receivables and cash
  • Learn how the risk and return are dependent on the above 3 factors
  • Learn what are these assets, what is their nature?
  • and more.

In this video, Bada Business Prof. Vishal Thakkar shares important information on what is cash flow and how should an entrepreneur manage cash flow? He will also share a massive action plan that you can implement in your business.

Key outcomes of the video are:

  • Learn how to manage cash flow in business?
  • How does income, expense, asset and liability impact your cash flow?
  • How to note and define short term profits (expenditure) and long term profits (asset)
  • and more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar shares a critical learning for all business owners. He gives the strategy on how can a business owner create unlimited cash flow such that the business is never out of cash.

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. Gain deep understanging of what is cash flow
  2. How can a business never go out of cash?
  3. How many types of cash flows are there?
  4. What steps are needed to control cash flow in your business?
  5. and more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Sanjay Kathuria and Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar share a critical learning for all business owners. They share their insights about working capital management and why is it important to make a business successfull?

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. Learn what is working capital?
  2. Learn how to manage working capital?
  3. How to manage all business expenses
  4. and more.


In this video, Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar shares a critical learning for all business owners. He explains the various ratios that are critical to understand the health of a business. He also explains how all these ratios can be mapped on a business dashboard that is always available to the business owner.

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. What are the various types of business ratios?
  2. How do these ratios impact your business?
  3. How to create a business dashboard to manage these ratios?
  4. And more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar is discussing a critical business problem. He explains what is insolvency and how can businesses save themselves from being insolvent?

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. What is insolvency?
  2. How to save your business from being insolvent?
  3. And more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar has shared key information about profitability ratios. He says that this is an important concept to understand because a business can grow 10X if profitability ratios are well maintained.

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. What are the basics of profit in a business?
  2. What are the various ratios of understanding profit in your business?
  3. What is profit on sales?
  4. Why should the team focus on profit on sales and the owner on ROI?
  5. And more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar has shared key information about efficiency ratios. He starts with an important question: a product that is manufactured in India is sold at INR 100 whereas the same product or a similar product is sold by the Chinese at INR 40. Why is the Chinese good so cheap?

This is because China has achieved efficiencies at scale.

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. How to measure efficiency in business?
  2. What are efficiency ratios and how to calculate them in business?
  3. And more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar shares his key insight on the matter that if a business owner manages stock, credit and expenses well, the business will always run smoothly.

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. How to ensure that you produce as per demand and reduce wastage?
  2. How to reduce loss of customer?
  3. And more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar has solved a key burning problem. This problem is a shared concern for almost all businesses. He answers the following question: where must a business owner invest surplus money?

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. How to invest surplus money?
  2. How to create a better investment strategy and grow business?
  3. How to keep surplus money safe, make is grow and ensure that it is available as and when needed
  4. And more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar has solved a key burning problem. This problem is a shared concern for almost all businesses. He answers the following question: what is the cost of funding the business?

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. What is the weighted average cost of capital?
  2. What is the cost of funding the business?
  3. And more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar shares his insights on how to make a profit and loss account. He says this is an important case study to understand for every business owner.

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. How to make a P&L account?
  2. What are the various elements of a P&L account?
  3. How many types of profit’s are there?
  4. What does each profit actually mean for the business?
  5. And more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar has solved a key burning problem. This problem is a shared concern for almost all businesses. He answers the following question: how to make a balance sheet for your business?

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. How to make a balance sheet?
  2. What line items are carried forward from the P&L to the balance sheet?
  3. How to forecast transactions that will impact the business in the coming times?
  4. And more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Vishal Thakkar shares his insight how to make a cash flow statement from a balance sheet and a profit and loss account statement that is already prepared for the business? He says, once you understand the cash flow statement, you will never face problems of managing money all throughout your life.

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. How to make a cash flow statement?
  2. How to monitor cash flow statement?
  3. And more.

In this video, Bada Business Professor Sanjay Kathuria shares the summary of the finance for non finance course. Prof. Kathuria has revised all concepts that have been discussed in this course in depth.

He has also shared how can you implement these learnings in your business. Who do you need to hire in your company to implement the learnings. And where can you find such a person?

Key outcomes of the video:

  1. You learnt the important financial terms
  2. You learnt the important financial ratios and how they impact your business
  3. You learnt how to take critical operating decisions with data
  4. You learnt how to make profit & loss account
  5. You learnt how to make balance sheet for your business
  6. You understood what is long term liability and short term liability
  7. You understood how can you run your business with the exhaustive business dashboard
  8. You understood how can you save your business from insolvency
  9. You also understood how to make financing decisions with data
  10. You also 
  11. And more.

 In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Professor Bada Business, introduces a new PSC course, Fundraising.

Nowadays, fundraising has become a problem for all including entrepreneurs & mid-sized companies. So, we thought of developing this course for you. This course enables you to gain knowledge about fundraising.

Key Outcomes:

  • Do bootstrapping while fundraising
  • Follow RBI & FEMA guidelines for fundraising

In this video, Professor Bada Business, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, explains what a startup is and how it can raise funds.

Key Outcomes:

  • Validate your idea of startup
  • Build efficiency in your business

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria, explains how to set the goals and objectives of fundraising.

Key Outcomes:

  • Have clarity of your goals for fundraising
  • Find the right investor for your business
  • Make a business plan for an investor
  • Focus on operations
  • Take help of a CA for financial projections

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Professor Bada business, explains about the budget sheet. He will explain to you with the help of an example sheet about how a budget looks.

Key Outcomes:

  • Prepare a budget sheet before approaching the investor
  • Match the sources & usage of funds to determine the amount of fund required in business

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria, explains about 5 stages of funding a startup for their growth.

Key Outcomes:

  • Explore government loan schemes
  • Get crowd funding
  • Invest money in advertisement
  • Take debt from banks and NBFCs
  • Evaluate funding stage of your business


In this video, Bada Business Professor, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, discusses different ways to raise funds for your business. 

Key Outcomes:

  • Raise funds from the market to start a new business or grow it
  • Evaluate your business and determine whether you should take debt or equity

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria, discusses internal fund raising and how it can help you to get more investors for your company.

Key Outcomes:

  • Run business from your own funds
  • Attract investors by investing your own money
  • Take money from friends and family
  • Collect money through crowd funding

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria, discusses 5 sources of funding that helps a business to grow from its initial stage.

Key Outcomes:

  • Opt factoring as a source of funding
  • Ask funds from angel investors
  • Get support from angel investors at an initial stage
  • Maximise the reach of your business with venture capital funds
  • Take venture debt for funds
  • Approach NBFCs for a loan
  • Be clear of your goal to raise funds

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Professor Bada Business, shares the 3rd part of the options of fundraising. In the previous 2 videos, he has shared 9 methods of fundraising.

Key Outcomes:

  • Adopt the best fund raising method for your business
  • Think about pros & cons of these 5 methods

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria explains the 10 steps of fundraising.

Key Outcomes:

  • Make a Private Limited Company for raising funds or issuing shares
  • Determine the market reach of your product or service
  • Prepare a budget sheet to tell investors where you will invest his money
  • Identify qualified startup investors
  • Make a perfect pitch deck
  • Avoid telling any lie to your investor

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, the Director of Bada Business Pvt. Ltd., explains how you can run and grow your business without investment.

Key Outcomes

  • Establish your business using bootstrap (your own money) to make it strong and sustainable
  • Use the feedback of customers given on your competitors’ product/service to improve your business
  • Mix your experience and expertise with your business to make it big 
  • Implement the 10 steps of bootstrapping discussed in the video to make a long-run business

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria discusses 10 components of a pitch deck.

Key Outcomes:

  • Introduce yourself through a story
  • Use photos to communicate
  • Prepare your core founding team
  • Bifurcate the problems in the market and their solutions
  • Define your goals
  • Find your competition
  • Tell your sources of revenue
  • Tell current equity holding
  • Make exit options for investors

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria, discusses about the mistakes to avoid while pitching your business idea to an investor.

Key Outcomes:

  • Find your competitors
  • Be aware of your current capabilities
  • Take feedback and improve yourself
  • Show realistic numbers to an investor
  • Have a professional look
  • Keep your presentation simple
  • Have a story for emotional connect
  • Make an exit strategy

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Director of Bada Business Pvt. Ltd. explains that while you are doing any agreement on any deal with investors, then a term sheet is necessary to be made.

Key Outcomes:

  • Mention the deal-style, amount, fees, disbursal, exit, etc. clearly in a term sheet
  • Include the rights of the investors and the promoter in a term sheet
  • Mention how you will settle any disputes in the future

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria discusses the prototype of a term sheet with a real case scenario.

Key Outcomes:

  • Mention current capital structure
  • Mention board composition
  • Decide upon vesting on promoters shares
  • Get statuary approvals as per the government

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria discusses the process of due diligence and its importance.

Key Outcomes:

  • Keep the documentation ready for immediate handover to complete due diligence
  • Avoid hiding any information from the investor

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria, discusses the types of documentation need to be done while forming a relationship with an investor.

Key Outcomes:

  • Focus on documentation
  • List down your agreements
  • Negotiate terms and conditions with investor
  • Be prepared with your term sheet
  • Build future scenarios and their solutions in your agreement to stay protected

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria, discusses about the Share Subscription Agreement and Shareholder Agreement.

Key Outcomes:

  • Have clarity of Share Subscription Agreement and Shareholder Agreement
  • Define words in your legal agreements
  • Discuss about the management of the company
  • Raise new funds while protecting the current investors
  • Decide voting rights of investors
  • Make sure to mention the right of first refusal
  • Define your arbitrator

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, the Director of Bada Business Pvt. Ltd., discusses one of the critical burning problems faced by entrepreneurs, which is “How investors value a business?”

Key Outcomes

  • Identify at which stage of the Life Cycle your company is
  • Get a low company value from the investor if you are a startup as it involves more risk
  • Get a high valuation for your company if you are a high growth company
  • Valuation of mature growth companies is done on the basis of P/E ratio
  • Valuation of stable companies is done on the basis of their speed of profits

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria, discusses about angel investors and how they provide financial backing to your company.

Key Outcomes:

  • Get financial backing for your startup
  • Approach family fund for your investment
  • Give some control in your company to an investor
  • Give a strong reason to angel investors for investment

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Professor Bada Business, shares information about the platforms of Angel Investments.

Key Outcomes:

  • Attend various events of angel investments
  • Discuss your idea with family & friends
  • Search for fundraising advisors
  • Research about data before meeting investors

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria, explains the venture capital and how they evaluate deals.

Key Outcomes:

  • Identify the stage of your business
  • Determine whether you are ready to connect with venture capitalists
  • Find out an appropriate venture capitalist for your company
  • Connect with a venture capitalist to grow your company rapidly

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria discusses things to be considered by the venture capitalist when he invests in your business and by you when you look out for a venture capitalist.

Key Outcomes:

  • Have leadership skills
  • Create a unique product
  • Evaluate realistic valuation of your company
  • Have less shareholders
  • Make an exit plan for investors
  • Understand the approach of venture capitalist
  • Connect with funds having a capability to fund with you again
  • Check the track record of venture capitalist

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria explains:

  • What is an IPO?
  • How can you bring IPO?
  • Which are the stock exchanges and government bodies wherein you can bring IPO?
  • What is the difference between SME IPO and Main board IPO?

Key Outcomes:

  • Bring IPO for loan repayment or growth of your company
  • Appoint a merchant banker/investment banker for completing the process of bringing IPO

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria, explains what type of partner you need for fundraising. This partner is known as “investor banker."

Key Outcomes:

  • Check overall success rate of your investment banker
  • Pay minimum drop-dead fees to your investment banker

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Professor Bada Business, explains how to manage investor relations.

Key Outcomes:

  • Build a solid investors relations department
  • Hire a CA, MBA Finance, or CFA to take care of all the compliances
  • Ensure that the investor relations department is following all the compliances

In this video, Bada Business Professor, Sanjay Kathuria shares the examples of 9 companies who have regularly raised funds and grow themselves in minimum time.

Key Outcomes:

  • Study about the companies who have raised fund multiple times
  • Focus on the preparation of first round of funding as it is the most difficult

In this video, Mr. Yashish Dahiya, founder & CEO of policy & paisa shares his experience of fundraising journey. 

Key Outcomes:

  • Make your business plan for at least 3-4 years
  • Communicate about the problem that you are solving
  • Try to raise funds first by yourself
  • Don’t agree on restrictive terms

In this video, Mr. Vikas Bagaria, Founder & CEO of Pee Safe shares his experience of fundraising for his company.

Key Outcomes:

  • Do fundraising only when it is very crucial for you.
  • Hire a lawyer for the legal documentation process.
  • Gain knowledge about standard SHA formats.
  • Notice your runway time for fundraising.

In this video, Mrs. Anuradha Aggarwal, the Founder of Multibhashi, shares her journey of seed fundraising for her company.

Key Outcomes:

  • Connect with maximum people
  • Update your investors about important things
  • Always be ready with your pitch
  • Prepare a business plan for fundraising

In this video, Ms. Anuradha Aggarwal, founder of Multibhashi, shares her experience in the following areas:

  • Networking for her company
  • Order of priority for investment
  • Ways to maintain equation with investors
  • Fundraise through venture capitalist Vs fundraising through a founder

Key Outcomes:

  • Always do Networking in a passionate way
  • Invest in your team & technology
  • Update your investor before he asks you
  • Develop your knowledge as a founder

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Professor, Bada Business, gives the summary of the fundraising course.

Key Outcomes:

  • Apply the Art & Science of fundraising in your business
  • Focus on increasing the pie of your business
  • Make a proper investment plan
  • Try to do fundraising in a bootstrap way

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, introduces the debt management course.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Manage & control debts of your business
  • Follow government rules & regulations for debt recovery

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the meaning, advantages, and disadvantages of debt.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Always repay the debt at the right time
  • Take debt for a lesser period of time

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the debt instruments in detail.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Raise loan for your business through a suitable debt instrument
  • Repay the loan on time to maintain a good credit score

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the debt schemes in detail.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Use debt raising method according to your business type
  • Check the RBI website to know about ECB

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the Indian government schemes for providing loans to SMEs and MSMEs.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Read and understand the loan schemes properly before applying for a loan
  • Visit the website to understand which loan is suitable for your business

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the processes and steps of debt raising.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Check your eligibility before raising debts
  • Evaluate your project cost & its profitability before raising a loan

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the bank loan.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Complete all the documents before applying for a loan
  • Go through the CMA report (Credit Monitoring Arrangement Report) for your loan

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the sanction letter for the loan in detail.

Key Outcomes:

  • Analyse terms and conditions of a loan in the sanction letter
  • Negotiate interest and repayment rates with the bank
  • Do periodic submission of information to the bank

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains how to maintain a high credit score.

Key Outcomes:

  • Always keep your CIBIL report in a good condition so that you can get loans easily
  • Check your CIBIL score on the CIBIL TransUnion website
  • Ensure that your debt to income ratio stays within the right boundaries
  • Don’t ask for too many loans as this will make you look credit hungry
  • Get a good credit rating with high income and less loans

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the lending ratios.

Key Outcomes:

  • Calculate four qualifying ratios for a bank to sanction a loan
  • Calculate the ranges of the lending or qualifying ratios while applying for a loan

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the 3 ways of debt financing.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Follow the process of debt syndication for raising a large amount of loan
  • Never invest in something that costs you more than profits

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains how mortgages work.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Use mortgage wisely to avail the bank loans and grow your business
  • Use adjustable-rate mortgages as it has more benefits

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the debt settlement.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Use full repayment of the loan to keep a higher credit score
  • Make use of loan settlement steps for loan settlement
  • Make an insurance policy against the loan to secure your family and children

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the rights you have in case of loan default.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Use your loan default rights properly, if you are not able to repay the loan
  • Make proper use of loan restructuring, if you have not the ability to repay high instalments
  • Maintain CIBIL score by repaying the full loan amount

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the Acts used for taking action to recover the loan in case of loan default.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Use mediate and settlement ways to repay the default loans
  • Take help of credit counsellors to know how to pay loans while maintaining CIBIL
  • Ask the bank/institution to waive-off some interest to reach a repay settlement amount

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains about National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT).  

Key Outcomes:

  • Take help of NCLT in case of loan default
  • Follow the steps of NCLT for the insolvency resolution process

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains about management and control of the debt.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Implement the debt management steps to repay the loans
  • Use incoming cash flow to repay the loan
  • Maintain good payment terms with the customers for early repayment of the loan

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains how to take a debt consolidation to converge multiple loans.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Get a consolidated loan if you have multiple loans
  • Write your debt obligations in descending order

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, shares important points that need to be considered while taking a loan.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Follow all the rules & regulations of loans
  • Ensure that you don’t break the guidelines of ROC or SEBI to avoid legal actions

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, summarises the course, “Debt Management.”

Key Outcomes:

  • Use your debt wisely for your business
  • Be aware about your debt payment rights

In this video, Dr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the needs and benefits of budgeting.

Key Outcomes:

  • Create a budget for the right decisions and smooth work-flow
  • Use a budget to compare the set target with actual results to control business
  • Use a budget to do the data-driven decision making for the success and growth of business

In this video, Dr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains difference between forecasting and budgeting.

Key Outcomes:

  • Do forecast to study and interpret future circumstances
  • Prepare a budget to get a financial and quantitative road map to achieve business

In this video, Dr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains how to design a budgetary control system for an organisation.

Key Outcomes:

  • Prepare budgetary control system to ensure coordination between different departments
  • Regularly compare your actual spending with the budget
  • Revise your budget as per the situation
  • Fix accountability to achieve things according to your budget  
  • Prepare a budget manual to standardise budget procedures

In this video, Dr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains how to prepare a budget.

Key Outcomes:

  • Prepare a forecast before preparing the budget
  • Fix the responsibility of a particular person to prepare the budget
  • Identify all the key factors for budgeting
  • Define objectives clearly and set reasonable targets for preparing the budget

In this video, Dr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the process of creating sales and production budget.

Key Outcomes:

  •  Always evaluate the potential market before making a sales budget
  •  Keep a close eye on the past sales trends and figures
  • Check   the production capacity before making sales budget
  • Consider sales requirement and budget to create a production budget

In this video, Dr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains how to save costs by implementing zero-based budgeting in your business.

Key Outcomes:

  • Evaluate every expense before incurring or budgeting for it on the basis of its cost-benefit analysis and justification
  • Develop a questioning mindset and look for opportunities to save costs with negative ROI

In this video, Dr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains how to do performance-based budgeting.

Key Outcomes:

  • Create performance budget to improve the performance of your organisation
  • Analyse the performance of the project by performance budgeting
  • Use a performance budget to align your team members to a common goal      

In this video, Mr. Raveesh Singhal, Professor Bada Business, explains how to make production cost budget

Key Outcomes:

  • Estimate the production cost to decide the selling price of your product
  • Don't underestimate cost while creating production cost budget
  • Keep a check on the capacity of business and machines to avoid failure of machines due to overloading   

In this video, Dr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains how to conduct budget variance analysis.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use budget variance analysis to identify the fluctuations in the budget along with their reasons 
  • Use budget variance analysis to avoid unrealistic forecasting

In this video, Dr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, explains the different types of period-wise budgets.

Key Outcomes:

  • Create all the types of period-wise budgets
  • Break a long-term budget into short-term budgets to know where you want to reach

In this video, Mr. Raveesh Singhal, Professor Bada Business, explains how to make a financial budget to estimate future cash requirements

Key Outcomes:

  • Make a financial budget to estimate future fund requirements for your business
  • Divide your financial budget into cash budget and capital expenditure budget
  • Identify the sources to fulfil your future cash requirement with the help of a cash budget

In this video, Mr. Raveesh Singhal, Professor Bada Business, explains the overhead expenses and ways to calculate them

Key Outcomes:

  • Differentiate between fixed and variable overhead expenses based on your past experiences 
  • Make overhead budget of every department separately  

In this video, Mr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, introduces the course “Budgeting.”

Key Outcomes:

  • Set budgets to forecast your future profits/savings with the help of your income and expenses  
  • Prepare a budget to set the product price
  • Set a budget to avoid cash flow problems in personal life and business

In this video, Dr. Sanjay Kathuria, Bada Business Professor, summarises the course “Budgeting”.

Key Outcomes:

  • Do sensitivity analysis to stay conservative while preparing the master budget
  • Prepare a master budget to achieve long-term organisational goals

In this video, Mr. Raveesh Singhal, Professor Bada Business, explains how to make fixed and flexible budget. 

Key Outcomes:

  • Make budget according to your business size and its nature
  • Do not ignore capacity utilisation while making budget as it is the base of budgeting process

In this video, Mrs. Pallavi Nagpal Jairath, Bada Business Professor, summarises the "Business Audit" course. 

 Key Outcomes:

  • Understand the procedure of the business audit
  • Prepare and organise all the related documents before business audit 
  • Perform a self review of all your financial documents
  • Communicate with your auditor


In this video, Mr. Yogesh Awasthi, Bada Business Professor, explains the importance and process of GST audit for a company. 

Key Outcomes: 

  • Conduct GST audit to check tax liability
  • Conduct tax audit before 31 December every year to avoid penalty
  • Prepare sale and purchase registers before GST audit starts 


In this video, Mr. Yogesh Awasthi, Bada Business Professor, explains the importance and process of payroll audit in a company. 

Key Outcomes: 

  • Conduct a payroll audit to protect your business fund
  • Conduct a payroll audit to find any discrepancy in payroll software or system 
  • Decide the right TDS deduction with the help of a payroll audit
  • Calculate employees' numeration with the help of payroll audit 


In this video, Mr. Yogesh Awasthi, Bada Business Professor, explains the internal control audit and related business transactions in a company. 

Key Outcomes: 

  • Track all business transactions with the adaptation of internal control
  • Make sure all business transactions are properly recorded
  • Make related business transactions following Company Act 2013


In this video, Mr. Yogesh Awasthi, Bada Business Professor, explains about the audit evidence and its concepts.

Key Outcomes:

  • Prepare audit reports on the basis of all the business information, data and documents
  • Collect complete and reliable audit evidence to reach a solid conclusion
  • Check the bank statement to verify the transactions done with the bank

In this video, Mr. Yogesh Awasthi, Bada Business Professor, explains about about the audit process.

Key Outcomes:

  • Put audit engagement letter always in the current audit file
  • Doesn’t conduct the audit if the Company management is not agreed to the information define in the audit engagement letter

In this video, Mr. Yogesh Awasthi, Bada Business Professor, explains the different types of the audit.

Key Outcomes:

  • Conduct information system audit to avoid digital-based frauds
  • Follow government rules and policies to avoid government penalties
  • Use an operational audit to avoid fraud by checking internal controls

In this video, Mr. Yogesh Awasthi, Bada Business Professor, explains the advantages & limitations of business audit.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use a business audit to provide a clear picture of your business account to the government and investors  
  • Take the help of a business audit to ensure that your business adheres to the government rules and regulations
  • Get a quality audit by giving proper time to the audit process  

In this video, Mr. Yogesh Awasthi, Bada Business Professor, explains how to detect and prevent frauds and errors.

Key Outcomes:

  • Conduct proper vouching and verification to have a perfect and quality audit of your business
  • Do compulsory vouching of all the financial transactions to prevent fraud in business  

In this video, Mr. Yogesh Awasthi, Bada Business Professor, explains the important concepts and compliances related to statutory audit.

Key Outcomes:

  • Get statutory audit done as per your business
  • Conduct statutory audit for an independent audit of financial statements
  • Submit audited financial statement to the Registrar of Companies (ROC) before the due date to avoid penalty

In this video, Mr. Yogesh Awasthi, Bada Business Professor, explains the conditions for applicability of audit.

Key Outcomes:

  • Get done the Income Tax Audit of your business to assure timely payment of taxes
  • Use business audit to avail subsidies provided by the government 

In this video, Mr. Yogesh Awasthi, Professor Bada Business, explains the forensic audit.

Key Outcomes:

  • Conduct forensic audit to expose or confirm illegal activities in your company
  • Appoint an auditor to conduct forensic audit of your company


In this video, Mr. Yogesh Awasthi, Bada Business Professor, explains how to prepare for a business audit.

Key Outcomes:

  • Hire the best accountant for your business  to maintain the accounts for business audit
  • Keep a check on the recording of financial transactions so that no transaction is missed
  • Keep all the original documents related to business at one place for a smooth business audit 

In this video, Ms. Gauri Chadha, Professor Bada Business, explains how to conduct the internal audit.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use internal control system to ensure the integrity of financial accounting information in your company
  • Check the size and structure of the company before defining the scope of internal audit of your company


In this video, Mr. Yogesh Awasthi, Professor, Bada Business, explains about the income tax audit in a business.

Key Outcomes:

  • Pay the income tax on due date to avoid tax penalty
  • Hire an auditor for review and examination of accounts books


In this video, Mr. Yogesh Awasthi, Bada Business Professor, explains how to select the right auditor for your business.

Key Outcomes:

  • Appoint qualified and experienced auditor for quality audit  
  • Appoint an auditor who charges high fees for proper and detailed audit
  • Appoint auditor who helps whole year to make right and better decisions in complex situations

In this video, Ms. Pallavi Nagpal Jairath, Bada Business Professor, introduces the course “Business Audit”.

Key Outcomes:

  • Identify the importance of business audit
  • Use business audit to detect errors and frauds in your business
  • Use business audit to know the true financial position of your business

In this video, Ms. Gauri Chadha, Bada Business Professor, explains the need and importance of bank audit.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use audit to increase the credibility of a bank  
  • Use audit report to know whether the bank followed all laws and standards or not 

In this video, Mr. Sarthak Ahuja, Bada Business Professor, discusses the different alternatives to ESOPs.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use an alternative to ESOPs to involve employees and consultants in the company’s growth trajectory who cannot be given ESOPs
  • Issue sweat equity shares to employees for consideration other than cash


In this video, Mr. Sarthak Ahuja, Bada Business Professor, explains the legal process to issue ESOPs.

Key Outcomes

  • Follow the laws of Companies Act, 2013 for the compliance of ESOPs policy
  • Maintain buffer to issue ESOPs

In this video, Mr. Sarthak Ahuja, Bada Business Professor, discusses the exit clauses of an ESOP policy.

Key Outcomes:

  • Frame exit clauses in ESOP policy to safeguard your company’s/business’s interest 
  • Prepare a checklist of ESOP policy to include all relevant points

In this video, Mr.Sarthak Ahuja, Bada Business Professor, explains the buyback of ESOPs.  

Key Outcomes:

  • Never buy back more than 25% of total paid-up capital and free reserves
  • Conduct board meeting and shareholders EGM to make amendment in AOA regarding buy back of shares

In this video, Mr.Sarthak Ahuja, Professor, Bada Business, explains the FAQs of ESOPS.

Key Outcomes:

  • Provide ESOPs to motivate employees
  • Check tax rate of ESOPs before issuing to your employees


In this video, Mr.Navendu Shukla, Professor, Bada Business, introduces the course ESOPs.

Key Outcomes:

  • Give ESOPs to your employees to motivate them
  • Increase employee retention rate in your company with the help of ESOPs

In this video, Mr. Sarthak Ahuja, Bada Business Professor, explains the history and importance of ESOPs. 

Key Outcomes:

  • Adopt ESOP policy to encourage employees
  • Create ESOP pool to attract external investors 
  • Use ESOP for succession planning 

In this video, Mr. Sarthak Ahuja, Bada Business Professor, explains the terms and terminology related to ESOPs. 

Key Outcomes:

  • Give ESOPs to most deserving and trusted employees
  • Set criteria to determine employees for ESOPs
  • Mention exercise price in ESOP grant letter to employees
  • Make sure the exercise price is not less than the face value
  • Make sure the time period between grant and vesting of ESOPs is a minimum 1 year 

In this video, Mr. Sarthak Ahuja, Bada Business Professor, explains the history and importance of ESOPs. 

Key Outcomes:

  • Do not pay tax on ESOPs without exercising them
  • Do not force your employees to pay tax during the time of granting ESOPs
  • Sale your company's shares following your company's shares 
  • Pay capital gain tax at the time of selling ESOPs 

In this video, Ms. Aditi Randev, Bada Business Professor, explains how to present the product demo slide to the investors.

Key Outcomes:

  • Present the best version of your product in product demo slide
  • Include images and video in the demo slide
  • Include details of engagement metrics in pre-revenue traction slide

In this video, Ms. Aditi Randev, Bada Business Professor, explains how to present a financial model to the investors.

Key Outcomes:

  • Take the help of a financial expert such as CA to make your financial model
  • Show north star metric in your financial model


In this video, Ms. Aditi Randev, Professor, Bada Business, explains how to present competition and USP (Unique Selling Point) slide to the investors.

Key Outcomes:

  • Use chart/grid format to present competition slide to the investors
  • Make your USP slide easy to understand

In this video, Ms. Aditi Randev, Professor Bada Business, explains how to create a team slide.

Key Outcomes:

  • Display client and institutional logos in the team slide to show professional skills and experience
  • Discuss the role of co-founders, executives, and advisors in the team slide

In this video, Ms. Aditi Randev, Professor Bada Business, explains the meaning and benefits of an investor pitch deck.

Key Outcomes:

  • Make an effective pitch deck to present your business ideas to investors
  • Use websites like Microsoft PowerPoint and Canva to design an attractive pitch deck
  • Know the latest funding status of angel investors and VC firms 
  • Follow startup communities like the Cap Table, The Morning Context, and Indian Angel Network

In this video, Ms. Aditi Randev, Bada Business Professor, explains the structure and formats of investor pitch deck .

Key Outcomes: 

  • Use a 10-minute presentation on the demo day
  • Use 13 slides in a 10-minute presentation
  • Make pitch deck slides attractive by using a single colour theme
  • Use a one-slide pitch deck as a quick reference for angel investors
  • Use numbers as weapons in your investor pitch deck 

In this video, Ms. Aditi Randev, Professor Bada Business, explains how to prepare Title, Problem, and Solution slides of an investor pitch deck 

Key Outcomes:

  • Mention the name and tagline of your startup in the Title slide
  • Keep Problem and Solution slides simple and easy to understand 
  • Use data and statistics to effectively convey your idea to investors
  • Avoid using an analogy in your pitch deck 

In this video, Ms. Aditi Randev, Professor Bada Business, explains how to prepare marketing slides of an investor pitch deck. 

Key Outcomes:

  • Segment your target customers based on their geography and demography
  • Present your expected market size in the Market Sizing slide of the pitch deck
  • Convey your investors how you would reach to your customers in the Go-to-Market Strategy slide 

In this video, Ms. Aditi Randev, Professor Bada Business, explains the valuation and ask slide of a pitch deck.

Key Outcomes:

  • Ask for the money you want to raise from investors through valuation and ask for slide
  • Explain how you will utilize the raised funds in a simple way


In this video, Ms. Aditi Randev, Professor Bada Business, shares the tips to make an impressive pitch deck presentation.

Key Outcomes:

  • Send a cold e-mail with compelling opening lines to grab the attention of investors  
  • Use a hook or interesting story to engage investors in your pitch deck presentation  

In this video, Mr. Navendu Shukla, Professor Bada Business, introduces the course “Pitch Deck”.

Key Outcomes:

  • Create an impressive pitch deck to raise funds from investors
  • Make PowerPoint Presentation to grab the attention of investors  

In this video, Mr. Navendu Shukla, Bada Business Professor, summarises the course, “Pitch Deck.”

Key Outcomes:

  • Do thorough research before making a pitch deck presentation
  • Keep your presentation simple and clear
  • Use a story to grab the attention of investors in your pitch deck  

In this video, Mr. Suraj Juneja, Bada Business Professor, explains how to get maximum benefit from the incubation/acceleration programs.

Key Outcomes: 

  • Learn to manage the stages of your startup during an incubation period
  • Acquire knowledge during an incubation/acceleration program
  • Complete your product and enter the market with the help of your incubator/accelerator 

In this video, Mr. Suraj Juneja, Bada Business Professor, explains how to choose the right incubator/accelerator.

Key Outcomes: 

  • Choose an incubator/accelerator according to the stage of your startup
  • Check the track record of an incubator/accelerator before choosing them
  • Know about the founder and mentors of an incubator/accelerator while choosing them
  • Choose an incubator/accelerator with a global reach

In this video, Mr. Suraj Juneja, Bada Business Professor, explains what do incubators and accelerators look for in startups.

Key Outcomes: 

  • Be clear about your business and product
  • Differentiate your product from already existing products 
  • Have the potential to grow
  • Show passion for getting success 

In this video, Mr. Suraj Juneja, Bada Business Professor, explains how to avoid mistakes while selecting an incubator/accelerator.

Key Outcomes: 

  • Consider location, goal matching, and fees while selecting an incubator/accelerator
  • Focus on your product while enrolled in an incubator/accelerator 
  • Continuously provide feedback to your incubator/accelerator 

In this video, Mr. Suraj Juneja, Bada Business Professor, introduces "How to Approach Incubators & Accelerators" course.

Key Outcomes: 

  • Join an incubator or accelerator to resolve problems of your startup
  • Take the help of an accelerator to speed up your startup's growth
  • Get funding with the help of an incubator or accelerator

In this video, Mr. Suraj Juneja, Bada Business Professor, explains how to join an accelerator/incubator program.

Key Outcomes: 

  • Apply for an incubator/accelerator through website link/events
  • Follow government communities such as Startup India and Invest India on social media platforms to search for incubator/accelerator programs
  • Prepare your pitch deck to present your business plan to incubators/accelerators

In this video, Mr. Suraj Juneja, Bada Business Professor, explains when to join an accelerator/incubator program.

Key Outcomes: 

  • Join an incubator/accelerator program at the product/growth stage
  • Offer sweat equity to an accelerator for their help in the growth of your startup
  • Join an incubator/accelerator program to get quick success 
  • Be ready for big funding rounds with the help of an accelerator program 

In this video, Mr. Suraj Juneja, Bada Business Professor, explains a startup accelerator and its importance.

Key Outcomes: 

  • Speed up your growth with the help of an accelerator program
  • Take the help of an accelerator to launch your product
  • Demonstrate your products on the demo day to get customers/investors  

In this video, Mr. Suraj Juneja, Bada Business Professor, explains about startup incubators and their importance.

Key Outcomes: 

  • Do things as per your expertise
  • Take the help of incubator to decrease overhead expenses and get funding
  • Join an incubator program to check the expertise and weakness of your team 
Grow Your Business With Bada Business For A Better Learning Experience And Outcome, Every Course Has A Combination Of Graphics, Videos, Animation, Reading Material & Assesments

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